Chia Pets


Missing item? (Seeds, Drip Tray, Growing Mix, Instructions)

We are so sorry an item is missing from your Chia Pet, Cat Grass, or Herb Garden. Please email [email protected] with your order number, address and issue and we will make it right!

If you are missing instructions, you can find a PDF version HERE.

Are Chia Pet seeds edible?

We advise that people and pets refrain from eating the seeds that come with the Chia Pet or the sprouts because the seeds are processed for optimal growth and neither the seeds nor the clay itself is handled by food-grade standards. That being said, if some seeds or sprouts are eaten accidentally it will not cause any harm.

We do sell the Chia Cat Grass Planter which is meant for cats and other pets to consume

When applying Chia seeds, why are they not sticking or keep sliding off?

There are a few issues that can cause Chia seeds not to stick or slide off:

#1: Water inside the planter: The planter should not have any water in it when you apply the seeds. Once you apply the seeds, they need to remain on the planter for two days before you fill the planter with water.

#2: Too much water in the mixture: Make sure you use the indicated amount of 1/8 cup of water for the 2 teaspoons of seeds. If more water was added then keep stirring until the right consistency is reached.

#3: Didn’t mix long enough: The seeds need to have a jam-like consistency so that they can stick to the planter. You need to keep mixing the seeds until you get this result. To know if you’ve reached this consistency, the mixture should drip slowly from your mixing spoon. If it’s still too runny then add a bit more seeds (1/2 teaspoon) to the mixture.

#4: Seeds spread too thick: We recommended spreading the seeds in a thin, even layer over the surface of the Chia Pet. Try to avoid clumping in any one area.

If you would like to try again, we recommend rinsing off your Chia Pet so that no residue from the previous seed application remains and soaking it for half an hour.

Please email [email protected] if you need more seeds to try again.

When filling the Chia Pet with water, why are the Chia seeds sliding off?

One possible reason for the seeds sliding off after filling your Chia Pet with water is that the seeds were spread too thick. We recommended spreading the seeds in a thin, even layer over the surface of the Chia Pet. Try to avoid clumping in any one area. Not a lot of water should emit from the planter once it’s been filled to the top. The provided plastic tray should only collect a small amount and should not overflow in under 24 hours.

Please email [email protected] if you have any further questions, need more seeds, or if excessive water is emitting from your Chia Pet.

Where can I buy more Chia seeds?

The best way to get new seeds is to order them from

It is also possible to use edible Chia seeds, however, since they are processed for eating and not growing, some brands may not grow as well. You can test a few of the seeds on a sponge or in a dish to see if they will sprout before trying them on your Chia Pet.

Will the Chia seeds still grow if they are past the expiration date?

Depending on how they are stored, Chia seeds can last for up to 5 years. You can test the seeds by spreading some on a damp sponge or piece of cardboard and moistening them every day. They should sprout within 3-4 days. If you have any issues, please contact [email protected]

Growing Issues
Why didn’t my Chia Pet grow?

We are sorry you had trouble growing your Chia Pet. The Chia seeds should have sprouted within 3-4 days.

There are a few factors that can cause the Chia seeds not to grow:

#1: Temperature is too cold. The seeds won’t grow if they’re too cold which can be an issue, especially during winter. We recommend loosely placing a plastic bag over the planter at night to keep it warm and create a greenhouse effect until the seeds sprout. The bag should not be sealed and should be big enough that it does not touch the seeds on the Chia Pet.

#2: Not enough water. Once you fill your Chia Pet with water, you should top it off with fresh water every day. You should also empty the drip tray daily. Do not reuse the water from the drip tray. (Note: Not a lot of water should be emitting from the planter once it’s been filled to the top. The provided plastic tray should only collect a small amount and should not overflow in under 24 hours)

#3: Seeds spread too thick. We recommended spreading the seeds in a thin, even layer over the surface of the Chia Pet. Try to avoid clumping in any one area. If the seeds are too runny and sliding off the Chia Pet, add a half teaspoon more seeds to the mixture and stir. If the seeds are still runny, let them sit for another hour stirring occasionally.

#4: Not enough sunlight and fresh air. Make sure the Chia Pet is getting some sunlight and there is fresh air flowing inside the room. We recommend that the Chia Pet is placed in an area where it can receive enough air, such as by a window or fan, especially if it is kept in the kitchen.

To refresh the Chia Pet, clean off any seeds and growth, soak the Chia Pet in a mild solution of water and 1/2 tsp of Bleach for 30 minutes, and then rinse the Chia Pet under running water. Allow the planter to completely dry before using it again.

There should be enough seeds in the packet for two more plantings, however, please email [email protected] with your address for new seeds in case the seeds themselves are the issue.

Why does my Chia Pet growth look strange or splotchy?

Many factors can affect the way Chia grows. Limited light can cause chia to grow towards the light source and may appear less full. For more even growth, place your Chia Pet in full sun after it has sprouted.

Uneven application of the seeds where the seeds are in too thick of a clump can cause the seeds to not sprout in that area. We recommend spreading the seeds in a thin, even layer over the surface of the Chia Pet and trying to avoid clumping in any one area.

Chia Pets will reach optimum growth at 3-4 weeks. When the growth appears leggy or overgrown it is time to remove the old growth. Chia Planters should be washed and can be reused indefinitely.

How do I replant my Chia Pet?

Chia Pet planters can be washed and replanted indefinitely. To refresh the Chia Pet, clean off any seeds and growth, soak the Chia Pet in a mild solution of water and 1/2 tsp of Bleach for 30 minutes, and then rinse the Chia Pet under running water. Allow the planter to dry before using it again.

Why is my Chia Pet only growing on the bottom and not sprouting on the top?

The top of your Chia Pet is not getting enough water. Once you fill your Chia Pet with water, you should top off your Chia Pet with fresh water every day. You should also empty the drip tray daily (do not reuse the water from the drip tray). If the seeds look dry you can mist or sprinkle them with water throughout the day.

We recommend loosely placing a plastic bag over the planter at night to keep it warm and create a greenhouse effect until the seeds sprout. The bag should not be sealed and should be big enough that it does not touch the seeds on the Chia Pet.

Make sure the seeds are spread in a thin, even layer over the surface of the Chia Pet. Try to avoid clumping in any one area. If the seeds are too thick it may prevent them from sprouting.

If your Chia Pet is in an office, the air conditioning and heating can dry out Chia Pets faster than in other environments.

Also, note that not a lot of water should be emitted from the planter once you fill it. The provided plastic tray should only collect a small amount and should not be filled up to the top. If the drip tray is overflowing in under 24 hours, please email [email protected].

To try again, you can refresh your Chia Pet by cleaning off any seeds and growth, soaking the Chia Pet in a mild solution of water and 1/2 tsp of Bleach for 30 minutes, and then rinsing the Chia Pet under running water. Allow the planter to dry completely before using it again.

Why is my Chia Pet growing mold and has a bad odor/smell?

Possible causes of mold are high humidity, darkness, too much moisture and stagnant air. We recommend that you place your Chia Pet in an area where it can receive enough fresh air (such as near a window or fan) and a good amount of sunlight, especially if it’s kept in the kitchen area.  

In cold weather, we recommend using a plastic bag to cover your Chia Pet at night for no more than 8 hours. Only use fresh water to water your Chia Pet, reusing the accumulated water from the drip tray is not recommended. 

You can refresh your Chia Pet by cleaning off any seeds and growth, soaking the Chia Pet in a mild solution of water and 1/2 tsp of Bleach for 30 minutes, and then rinsing the Chia Pet under running water. Allow the planter to dry before using it again. 

There should be enough seeds in the packet for two more plantings, however, please email [email protected] for more seeds.

Broken Chia Pet
My Chia Pet or Cat Grass Planter is cracked/broken, what do I do?

If your Chia Pet or Cat Grass Planter is cracked or otherwise broken, it should be returned to the store where it was purchased. If you need further assistance, please email [email protected]  

What do I do if the drip tray is overflowing?

While it is normal for the planter to emit some water and the drip tray should be emptied daily, the water should not overflow the drip tray in less than 24 hours. If this happens, you should return your Chia Pet to where it was purchased. If you need further assistance, please email [email protected]  

Are Chia Pets sold internationally? 

We do not ship or sell our products outside the US from 

Cat grass

What do I do if my Cat Grass seeds are not sprouting

We are sorry your Cat Grass did not grow. The following are a couple of tips for when you next grow your grass: 

  1. The plastic bag should not be sealed but left loosely. This is optional to create a greenhouse effect to help the seeds sprout. The seeds can grow without the plastic bag. 
  1. Make sure you have not overwatered the seeds as they do not require a lot of it. Only water them when the soil seems dry. You can use a spray bottle. It is also possible that the seeds themselves could be bad. If that’s the case, please email [email protected] with your issue and your address and we will send you some replacement seeds. 

It is also possible that the seeds themselves could be bad. If that’s the case, please email [email protected] with your issue and your address and we will send you some replacement seeds. 

Where do I get more Cat Grass Seeds? 

You can use regular potting soil and you can purchase more seeds on Amazon.

Our cat grass is a mixture of oat and wheat grass seeds which can also be found in many stores and online if the seeds in the link above are not currently available.  


What is the maximum wattage that can be used with the Clapper? 

The maximum allowed wattage is 200 watts per socket. 

What do I do if the three red lights on my Clapper do not light up?

If the red lights on the Clapper do not light up and go through a sequence when you first plug it in it is defective. You should return it to where it was purchased. Some possible causes are overloading the Clapper with too high of wattage (more than 200 watts), or an electrical storm. 

What do I do if the three red lights on my Clapper light up, but it is not working?

Please ensure that the switch on the bottom of the Clapper is set to “HIGH”. Then, plug your appliance into the “II Clap socket.” Make sure you have turned on your appliance by hand before you try clapping (your lamp may not turn on, this is fine, the switch just needs to be in the “on” position). Then proceed to clap. 

When you clap, does a red light turn on for each clap? If the left and right red lights are turning on, but not the middle, it may mean you are clapping too fast or slow, or your claps are not similar enough to be detected. It can sometimes take a few tries to get it down. Your appliance should turn off and on when you clap and two red lights next to each other turn on. 

You will also want to make sure that your appliance will work with the Clapper. The Clapper works as though you are plugging and unplugging the appliance directly into the socket. To test, plug your appliance directly into the wall, turn it on, unplug it, and then plug it back in again. If your appliance turns on automatically when you plug it back into the wall it will work with the Clapper.  

If you have tried all of this and it is still not working you should return it to where it was purchased. 

Do appliances work with the Clapper? 

The Clapper will work with appliances that use up to 200 watts and turn on automatically when power is applied. The Clapper works as though you are plugging and unplugging the appliance directly into your electrical socket. 

To test if your appliance will work with the Clapper, plug in your appliance, turn it on, unplug it, and then plug it back in again. If your appliance turns on automatically when you plug it back in, it will work with the Clapper.  

Why does my appliance turn off but not on?

The Clapper works with appliances that turn on automatically when power is applied. In other words, it works as though you are plugging and unplugging your appliance from the electrical socket. Some appliances do not turn on automatically when you plug them back in. You can test to see if your appliance will work with the Clapper by plugging it into the electrical socket, turning it on and unplugging it, then plugging it back in again. If your appliance does not turn on automatically when you plug it back in, then it will not work with the Clapper and we suggest using it with a different appliance. 

Why does my Clapper keep turning on accidentally?

If you find your Clapper often turning on and off accidentally, we recommend setting the switch on the bottom of your Clapper from “High” to “Low.” You can also switch your appliance to the 3-clap socket where it will be more difficult for other sounds to activate it. 

Can I replace the fuse in my Clapper? 

The fuse in the Clapper is not replaceable. 

Can I use the Clapper with a 3 way light bulb? 

The Clapper can work with a 3-way lightbulb. Set the light to one of the three brightness levels then use the Clapper to turn the light on and off. 

Can the Clapper be used with an extension cord or power strip? 
